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  1. B

    Issue while trying to update OpenATV Enigma 2 Image

    thanks for the heads up much clearer now
  2. B

    Issue while trying to update OpenATV Enigma 2 Image

    thanks for coming back so quickly . Im new to all of this so please excuse if my question appears stupid.Im not sure what you mean whenyou say run through cable with a cccam . Does this mean i insert a cccam profile in oscam reader and what is 098e .These are the files my provider gave me thanks
  3. B

    Issue while trying to update OpenATV Enigma 2 Image

    Hi thanks for coming back I think I have cccam working but trying do get skyde working . I put up a new oscam 11716-emu-r798, and I think this is probably for iptv ut im not sure.Its up anyway. The image is openatv 7.2 Box is operational and working .Spanish Channels and...
  4. B

    Issue while trying to update OpenATV Enigma 2 Image

    can someone please advise 1 what config file are we talking about is it oscam.config and what old line in reader am i to enter 2 Enigma extra settings how do i locate and amend 3INstall oscam binery arm Where ?and what is it i have installed the following files a)...
  5. B

    Issue while trying to update OpenATV Enigma 2 Image

    WORKING IMAGES ATV 7.2!!! 1. Accept OSCAM config files and enter old line in the reader. 2. in the Enigma settings/extras (ATV: MENU/SETTINGS/OPERATION & INTERFACE/ system settings): Set Integrate ECM in HTTP streams to YES Decrypt HTTP Streams NO...