Our Sponsor provides IPTV Trial Service.

Enigma 2 boxes came around years ago when CCCam still had the whole sharing market dominated. Since IPTV came into the picture, up until now, some users still prefer having IPTV running on their Enigma 2 boxes. Now the problem is Enigma 2, unlike android, iOS windows ... , does not have good players. For Enigma 2 currently we have XtreamTV E2 Plugin which gives you stalker portal kinda interface, Autoscript OE 16 and 20 bouquet importing method, Bouquet File Transfer, e2m3u2bouquet method. In this tutorial we will introduce another plugin called Jedi Xtream Playlist Maker which runs based on a M3U streaming line and categorizes channels for you with EPG support and everything.

There are two things that Enigma 2 users should understand:

1-Most of these boxes have the lack of memory. On the other hand, since their media player engines arent the best, when you play high bitrate IPTV streams on them, you should expect bad buffering and lagging. New competent boxes like 4K ones can do better.

2-Most of IPTV providers advertise "XXXXXXX amount of channels available". Not going to go deep into the truth about the number and the quality but keep this in mind that you should not import a huge list of IPTV streams into an Enigma 2 box. It is always advised to ask your IPTV provider to limit the available streams on your account to what you really need. It makes a huge difference.


So this can be done in two ways, see which way applies to you and proceed from that step:

Note: If you have Jedi Xtream Playlist Maker plugin installed and ready, skip the following two steps and move to IPTV setup part.


Method A: If the image that you are using on your box is recent and up to date, then you might have Jedi Xtream Playlist Maker as an already installed plugin on your box. Simply click the Blue or Green button on the remote controller to bring up the list of installed plugins and see if you have it. If not, click Menu button on the remote then go to Plugins page and click the Red button on the remote (or which ever colored button advised) to update the Plugin Catalog. Once the list is loaded, it is most likely that the Jedi Xtream Playlist Maker is in Multimedia entry.


Method B: If for whatever reason you want to install it manually, or the plugin does not exist on your box nor on the plugin catalog, follow instructions below:

In the example below we are going to use an old VU+ Solo 2 with BlackHole image not upgraded since 5 years ago. Just trying to show it is also possible to run it on old images but as advised above, it is best to flash the box to a latest firmware.


1-Download the IPK package file for the Jedi Xtream Playlist Maker from here.

Note: If your box requires .Deb installation package file, you can download it here.



2-Connect to your Enigma 2 box using an FTP program like Filezilla or WinSCP and browse to /tmp/ folder at the root of your box. It basically means on the left side of the FTP software which is your box listing, click on tmp folder and that's all. We need to transfer the downloaded .IPK/.DEB file into the box manually for installation. Therefore, it needs to be FTPed there. If you are not familiar with this process, read this tutorial on "How to use SSH Terminal for IPTV and Cardsharing purposes". The only difference would be the software which is going to be Filezilla or WinSCP.



3-Transfer the file to the /tmp/ folder of your box.



4-On an empty screen click on the proper colored button on your remote to bring up Plugin Panel. The image we are using as mentioned above is a BlackHole image in which the green button brings up Plugin Panel which is called Black Hole Green Panel. On other images this function might be assigned to another colored button so proceed accordingly.

Click on the Yellow Button to bring up Addons.



5-Click Manually Install IPK Packages. It automatically searches the /tmp/ folder for any available .IPK packages. We did put one there so we expect the box to catch that.



6-Good one! now click on the Enter/OK button on the remote to proceed with installation.



7-YES, please.



8-After a successful installation this message is expected. Click OK button and be patient until your box reboots itself.



9-Once box is back up, click on the same colored button to bring up plugin panel again. Scroll down the page and Jedi Xtream Bouquet Maker should be there.



10-Beautiful! The plugin has been installed manually.



Now it's time to install IPTV on the plugin. A M3U streaming line is needed for this procedure. Also make sure that your provider categorizes channels so when you load the service on this plugin, all channels are categorized.



1-Open up the plugin and click on Playlists.



2-So as it is clear on this screen, by clicking on the Green button on the remote, we can add the playlist.

Another point to attention to is the sample M3U url shown above (which is just an example and can not be used as an IPTV feed). It has a certain format which is called "m3u_plus". It is also called "M3U With Options". You can determine that by a close look at the value after "type=". This type of streaming lines is the one by which you can get the categorized channel listing when you try to put the whole m3u. So make sure you ask your IPTV Provider for "m3u_plus"/"M3U with options" if you want to type the whole m3u url on any app.

But, when an app supports Xtream Codes API, it is enough that the provider supports categorized channel listing and then you simply can set up IPTV and it will pull channels and stores them in categories just as your provider has listed them.

In this installation, we will take the sample m3u url as the one below:




3-The installation is very easy:

Select Playlist Type: there are two choices: 1-Standard Playlist: which allows us to enter M3U details separately without typing the whole url 2-M3U File: which needs the whole m3u url to be typed. So first method is advised.

Protocol: 99 percent of IPTV providers out there run their domains on bare http:// so you can leave it on the default choice as http://. Ask your IPTV provider and if they are running their streaming service on SSL, you need to change this to https://

Server URL: in the M3U url, after the value http:// and before the value :port (look at the sample m3u url above) would be the server address

Port: Usually comes after the server address with : before it. If you do not see :port value on your m3u url, it means the port is 80. Ask your IPTV provider and if they are running their streaming service on SSL, you need to change this to 443 unless advised otherwise by the provider.

Username: is the value after "username=" on your m3u url

Password: is the value after "password=" on your m3u url

Output Type: There two: 1-ts: Which is MPEGTS and that is the most common way of running a streaming line on IPTV devices/apps 2-m3u8: Which is HLS. If you wanna know the full details of streaming lines outputs, read this article.

Once all details inputted, press the Green button on the remote to have it saved.



4-Playlist is imported. The green light on the left side shows that the inputted credentials in the previous step has been accepted by the remote server. Max stands for the maximum amount of concurrent connection allowed on your IPTV account by the provider which is not Active yet shown by 0 as we have not started to watch anything yet.

Now click OK button on the remote so the plugin starts pulling data.



5-Let it pull and do not touch anything.



6-If all goes well, you will then get to this step where you can customize the bouquet.

Bouquet Name: can be your desired name

Use name as bouquet prefix: adds your chosen bouquet name in the above step as a prefix to your categories.

Live categories: Leave this on YES to have LiveTV streams added to your bouquet

Stream type for Live: includes two player engines: 1-IPTV(4097): which is OE20 and that is the most common player engine for Enigma 2 boxes, you need to leave it on this option and see whether your IPTV streams run 2-DVB(1): is OE16 which is useful when your IPTV provider runs their streaming service on SSL. Long story short, if your streams do not play, change this and then retry.

Buffer streams: Leave it on No Buffering but if you notice bad buffering on your streams, try setting it it Buffering Enabled(1) and if still no good, then change to Progressive Buffering(3). This option only works if you use stream type as IPTV(4097). Remember, before changing this, run diagnostics on your IPTV streams first by checking your internet connection and then consulting with your IPTV provider making sure they have no issues on their side.

Use your provider EPG: leave it on YES if you are sure that your provider does have a built-in epg system. You can verify this by asking them, or making a epg url out of your m3u url using this guide and then run it on your browser. If you see some nonsense metadata then it works. The plugin does create the right epg url for you and assign it if you check the EPG url section.

Use Rytec UK EPG: is another external EPG source if you are interested.

EPG url: is what explained above, the derivative of the m3u url which we inputted above.

Rebuilt XMLTV EPG data: do not use unless you are certain that your EPG data is corrupted.

Once all set, click the Green button on the remote to save the settings and proceed.



7-Ok, the categories which are assign to our IPTV account are loaded now. You can choose which one do you want to keep in your IPTV bouquet. You can check/uncheck them by pressing the OK button on the remote. You can see the channels inside each category by click on Info/Text button on the remote.

Once ready, click the Green button and proceed.



8-First a Downloading and then a confirmation message of Bouquet Creation should pop up.



9-Almost done. Our IPTV account for this tutorial had LiveTV for UK channels assigned to, no VOD. That's why you see the plugin could pull data for LiveTV and nothing for VOD or series.

Now exit the plugin by click on Exit button on your remote.



10-We are done! Simply bring up the Favorite list on your channel listing and you should see the IPTV Bouquet we have made with all categories beautifully listed. Get inside your desired category, and run the stream you want.


This plugin is just class and the fact that it has recently been updated (by the time of writing this article - January 2021) ensures that it is recently fine polished and a solid performance should be expected. However, it is highly recommended to have you box flashed with the latest firmware/image version and remove all the unnecessary plugins to leave as much ram and cpu free as possible for this plugin to work as IPTV consumes and requires a lot of resources.


Any questions? post it on WDS Community Forum and let us help you.

IPTV Free Trial available from our Sponsor's IPTV service.